Monday, July 27, 2009

Returning to Ukraine

Summer greetings! 

We hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine as much as we have!  We have kept busy since our return from Ukraine at the end of May.  Amanda spent the month of June helping with her best friend’s wedding and we have both been working part time jobs. Amanda quickly gained a job at a local coffee shop, and I have been working at a local organic farm. Just a few days ago God provided a car for us to use until we head back to Ukraine, but up until now we have had fun and saved money by riding our bikes to get around.  Amanda’s parents have been a blessing by allowing us to stay with them in Lincoln, CA.  

Fall is quickly approaching, and we are making preparations to return to Ukraine in the first week of September!   We had an amazing time during the first trip to Ukraine, and we are excited to return for another three months.  During the first trip we were able to develop great relationships with the local orphans and local believers; we became familiar with the city of Sevastopol and the local culture, and we made great progress with Russian!  These things have prepared us to fill in the gap for Andy and Jaimee in Ukraine while they are the States for a few months having their baby!

When we return to Ukraine we will continue mentoring and loving the post orphanage youth by providing weekly family nights (which consists of making them a meal and spending time with them through games and other activities), giving English lessons, and staying connected with them throughout the week.  We will also start doing some of the groundwork for starting a transitional housing center by contacting similar programs that exist in other parts of Ukraine.  Another important part of filling in the gap in Ukraine is continuing relationships with the local believers there.  One of Operation Lazarus’ main goals is to inspire local believers to take care of the orphans.

We want to thank all of you for the prayers and generous gifts you have offered in our support thus far!  We are very grateful and so are the orphans in Ukraine!  Below you will see pictures of some of the orphans that you have shared the love of Jesus with by supporting us in ministry!  Please continue to pray for us, as we venture to Ukraine without Andy and Jaimee by our side.  Pray that our relationships with the youth continue to grow and that they become firmly grafted into the family of God. Please also pray for continued progress in starting the transitional home.

If you aren’t already and are interested in supporting us financially, we are grateful for every gift, no matter the size.  Our two biggest expenses are our plane tickets and rent while in Ukraine (we won’t be sharing an apartment with Andy and Jaimee this trip).  You can write a check to Operation Lazarus, with Jared and Amanda in the memo, and mail it to: 

Hidden With Christ Ministries

Attn: Operation Lazarus

P.O. Box 3267

Tustin, CA 92781

Or you can click on the link below to support us electronically!

Thanks again for all of your love and support.  We have felt your love and the effects of your prayers.  Your encouragement means so much to us! 

Grace and peace,

Jared and Amanda White